On this auspicious morning of 20 Dec. 2020 memory of the past 60 years was revived of the home going of the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas, former Vicar General of the diocese of Mangalore, founder parish priest of St Sebastian Church Bendur and the Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore.
Very Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro, parish priest along with Fr Walter D’ Mello, Fr Alwyn Serrao, Fr Ashwin Crasta, Fr Nelson Peris, Fr Melwin Pinto SJ and Fr Sujay Daniel SJ, arrived at the altar to the melodious singing by the choir at the clicking of the clock. Sr Anna Maria in her introduction highlighted the co-incidence that in the centenary year of Bethany Congregation the diamond death year of the Servant of God, who led his faith journey building the parish family, takes place.
Rev. Fr Vincent, the main celebrant in his homily expounded the Word of God as follows: David the shepherd boy was called to be the king whose mission was to rule according to God’s will. Virgin Mary the young girl was called to be the Mother of God and bring Jesus the Saviour to the world. The Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas was similarly called from his birth to be a priest of God. He with a pure heart tried to do God’s will. He founded the Bethany congregation which he didn’t know would spread throughout the world today.
Offering rice, ingredients, wheat flour, fruits, etc of daily use were brought to the altar in thanksgiving and praying God to bless the work of our hands.
Sr Jyoti, former Superior General proposed vote of thanks at the end of the Mass and the choir initiated the prayer that the Servant of God may be raised to the honours of the altar before long. Thereafter Rev. Sr Rose Celine, Superior General of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany and V. Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro, the main celebrant laid wreathes on the tomb of the Servant of God. Others strew flower petals in respect to the Servant of God.
Cake was distributed to all the participants after the celebration.