In a significant pastoral visit on 17 February 2024, Rt Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese graced the Bethany Mother House and Bethany Generalate with his presence, manifesting his cordial relations with the Bethany family. The visit took an enriching turn as the Bishop made a noteworthy stop at the Mgr Raymond Museum. There, he immersed himself in the historical narrative of the institution, viewing artefacts that summarize the journey of Bethany and its Founder, Mgr RFC Mascarenhas.
In a solemn act, the Bishop offered prayers for Bethany and for the speeding up of the process of the Beatification and Canonisation of the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas, fostering a connection between the spiritual heritage and the tangible relics within the Museum's walls. This visit not only has strengthened the bond between the Bishop and Bethany but also has deepened appreciation for the cultural and historical dimensions embedded in the Museum depicting the life and legacy of Mgr Raymond.
As a shepherd to his flock the Bishop also visited both the Chapels – Mother House and the Generalate – to offer prayers for every member of Bethany. At the end, he imparted his special blessing on everyone gathered. Thereafter he interacted with sisters warmly and cordially which manifested his paternal heart.
The visit of our Bishop is a testament to the care of the Mother Church towards her children.