On 23rd January 2021, four Tanzanian Novices Sr Clara Mariamu, Sr Anitha Fadhila, Sr Bernadeta Nonkondo and Sr Veronica Mamue made their first profession at Divine Mercy Church, Mwanga, Tanzania in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, India. The Eucharistic celebration was officiated by Most Rev Rogath Kimaryo the Bishop of Same Diocese during which Sr Rose Celine BS the Superior General received their vows. The occasion happily coincided with the 146th birth Anniversary of the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the founder of the indigenous Congregation from Mangalore.
The entire assembly of about 300 faithful danced to the rhythm of Bethany Anthem during the entrance procession as per the custom of the Tanzanian culture. Local Priests as well as the priests from Mangalore Diocese who have undertaken the mission in Same Diocese concelebrated the Eucharist. SrLillita BS the General Councilorand many other religioussisters were present.
On 23rd January 2021, four Tanzanian Novices Sr Clara Mariamu, Sr Anitha Fadhila, Sr Bernadeta Nonkondo and Sr Veronica Mamue made their first profession at Divine Mercy Church, Mwanga, Tanzania in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, India. The Eucharistic celebration was officiated by Most Rev Rogath Kimaryo the Bishop of Same Diocese during which Sr Rose Celine BS the Superior General received their vows. The occasion happily coincided with the 146th birth Anniversary of the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the founder of the indigenous Congregation from Mangalore.
The entire assembly of about 300 faithful danced to the rhythm of Bethany Anthem during the entrance procession as per the custom of the Tanzanian culture. Local Priests as well as the priests from Mangalore Diocese who have undertaken the mission in Same Diocese concelebrated the Eucharist. SrLillita BS the General Councilorand many other religious sisters were present.
After the first four Novices made their profession, the entire congregation sang the Magnificat thanking God for their gift to Bethany and to the church. They are the fruit of the labour of the sisters in Tanzania Mission, which was started in 2013.
The Bishop in his homily highlighted that this celebration is an epoch-making event in his Diocese, since the Bethanysisters by their commitment to the mission within a short period had inspired the young girls to embrace religious life.He congratulated the Bethany Congregation for their daring spirit in the missionary venture.
Presently, the Bethany Congregation is in its Centenary Year with its 188 communities in 9 countries with 1382 sisters in diverse ministries. The sisters serve in pastoral, educational and socio-medical field. True to the spirit of the Founder, the sisters have reached out to the poor especially the women and children in compassionate love. Today this spirit percolates in Tanzania where the sisters serve in educational and medical Ministry in the rural areas. The Mission in Tanzania is making it headway under the Delegation Superior Sr Antonette BS with her band of 12 sisters.
During the felicitation program, Sr Rose Celine BS the Superior General recalled that the Congregation being pioneered by four sisters 100 years ago has become a strong apostolic arm in the Church. She hoped that in like manner the first four newly professed sisters of Tanzania will make Bethany grow, flower and bear fruit in plenty in the post centenary era.
-Sr Ranjitha BS, Bethany Convent, Mwanga,Tanzania