A simple yet memorable event took place on 6 December 2020 in Pushpalaya Hall, Bethany Mother House, Bendur Mangalore. The graceful release of the colourful Bethany Centenary Calendar 2021 by Sr Rose Celine, Superior General was welcomed with joy and gratitude by the members of the Centenary Celebration Organizing Committee.

On the dais were Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General, Sr Lillis, the Asst Superior General, Sr Jyoti, the Convener of the Media Committee, Sr Erasma, the Provincial Superior Northern Province, Sr Helima, Asst Provincial Superior, Northern Province who also represented Northern Province Media Team.

While displaying the attractive and artistic Centenary Calendar on the screen, Sr Rose Celine explained in brief the significance of the pages of the Calendar with clarity. The calendar depicts the Saga of Bethany, Bethany Mother House Campus, Bethany Visionaries, the Heritage park, the Centenary Celebration, the various ministries in India and abroad, and Bethany forging ahead in the post-Centenary decade.

The designing and printing of the Centenary Calendar, collecting relevant photographs from all the Provinces, Delegations, Central Administration and writing the corresponding text was acknowledged with gratitude by Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General in her message. “The Calendar indeed was a splendid example of the creativity and ingenuity of the Sisters” she said. She also appreciated the hard work of the Media Committee under the leadership of Sr Grace Maria, the Coordinator of Media Committee together with Sr Helima, Sr Diana Serrao and Sr Reena D’ Souza under the guidance of Sr Erasma, the Provincial Superior and her Council. Sr Helima BS, The Provincial Councillor and co-ordinator of the Province briefed the assembly about the systematic way of functioning of the team seeking direction from the Province and approval from the Generalate.

The graceful presence of the General Councillors Sr Shanthi Priya, Sr Mariette, and Sr Lilitta, the Procurator General, Sr Christine, the Provincial Superiors who were members of the Enlarged Council Meeting and conveners of all he committees for Centenary Celebration added joy and solemnity to the occasion.

-Sr Bonita BS
Bethany Mother House

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