On the early morning of 18th July 2019, a group of seven sisters along with Sr Lillis the official carrier of the documents on Founder left for Delhi. They were Srs Erasma, Sr Helima, Sr Helen and Sr Gracy D’Souza from Northern Province and Sr Dona, Sr Margaritha and Sr Leena D’ Costa from Mangalore. Sr Dona who would be the Roman Postulator was wished many blessings before her return on 23rd July along with Sr Margaritha and Sr Leena D’Costa The 16 suitcases were watched over for 48 hours carefully lest anyone disappears. After a safe journey the sisters were accorded a warm welcome at Bethany Green Park by Sr Natal and community. The suitcases were reverently placed near the Chapel and blessed and prayed over before they were shifted to the Nunciature on 25th. We the Sisters from Northern Province specially Sr Erasma the Provincial Superior, her councilors and the community at Green Park expressed that it was a unique privilege of the Northern Province to welcome the documents of Fr Founder at Bethany in Delhi. The community and province members felt blessed.

The long awaited day to submit the documents was 25th July, the feast day of St James. At the appointed time, we Sr Lillis, the official Carrier of the documents, Sr Erasma, the Provincial Superior of Northern Province, Sr Jyoti the first petitioner of the Cause and Sr Helima, the Asst Provincial Superior, and Sr, Natal , the Superior of Bethany Convent, New Delhi reached the Nunciature in Delhi. We were accorded a warm welcome by Msgr Mitjaleskovar, First Counsellor of the Apostolic Nunci. Sr Lillis the official Carrier handed over the official letters and the 16 suitcases containing the documents to the Monsignor. The Monsignor was very appreciative of the presentation and the work done and took custody of the documents to be sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Before we left the Nunciature His Excellency Giambattista Diquattro arrived and we were privileged to have a short time of conversation and a photography session with him.

We returned with heartfelt gratitude to God for enabling our sisters to complete the formalities of the Diocesan Phase. Praise be to God.

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