The Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’ Souza, Bishop of Mangalore along with ten priests led to the altar to the tune of the melodious hymn sung by the choir.

Mr Stephen Pinto, parishioner accorded a warm welcome to all the gathered faithful especially the Bishop, the Chancellor- Rev. Fr Henry Sequeira, the Historical Commission members of the Cause of the Servant of God- Rev. Fathers J. B. Saldanha and Peter Mascarenhas-Montfort, the Parish priest- Rev. Fr Antony Shera, the Bethany Superior General- Sr Rose Celine BS, the Bethany Sisters, their lay associates, well wishers, relatives, etc. The church was packed to its capacity.

In his welcome address he spoke of the importance of the day i.e. the handing over of the report and the concerned documents of the Cause of the Servant of God by the Historical Commission members to the Diocesan Authorities.

Rev. Fr J. B. Saldanha reading the Gospel passage “The Sermon on the Mount” expounded its importance and quoting from the testimony of one or two persons he showed how it was practiced by the Servant of God in his life time. He also called upon the faithful the need to practice these virtues in order to attain one’s holiness in life.

Prayers were offered for various needs of the church, society, political leaders, etc

Vote of thanks was proposed by Sr Lillis BS, the Asst Superior General. She highlighted the role and encouragement of the Bishop, who declared the Founder as the Servant of God and in whose tenure the Cause she hoped to move to Rome; she emphasized the arduous task of the Historical Commission members for the past eight years and all those who actively supported the work of the Cause of the Servant of God. She thanked the faithful who were present especially the different religious sisters, the relatives, et al.

The Bishop responded expressing his hope and prayer for the success of the Cause, his happiness on its progress and called upon the faithful to pray that we may have a saint in our diocese.

At the end of the Mass, prayer for the beatification of the Servant of God was prayed; then all moved to the side aisle of the church where the tomb of the Servant of God is. The Bishop, the Bethany Superior General and the Parish Priest each laid floral wreathes on the tomb and others strewed flower petal with prayer in their hearts and on their lips.

The participants were served snacks before they dispersed.

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