The Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany observed the 62nd Death Anniversary of the Servant of God Mgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas on 23 December 2022 with the Eucharistic Celebration at 9.00 am in St Sebastian’s Church Bendur officiated by Rev Fr Vincent Monteiro, Parish Priest of Bendur along with other concelebrants. Rev Fr Walter D Mello the residential priest of the Parish preached a befitting homily and expounded the virtuous life of the Servant of God.
At the outset, Rev Sr Shubha Provincial Councillor of Mangalore Province spoke of the importance of the day and invited the participants to pray for the Cause of Mgr RFC Mascarenhas. The family members of the Servant of God, Bethany Sisters and other Religious Women of the parish, Bendur Parishioners, Members of various Associations, Staff, Students, BLA, Bethany Champions and other Well-Wishers of Mgr Raymond participated in the event in a great number.
At the end of the Mass, Sr Dona BS thanked everyone profusely for their presence and prayers. The melodious choir led by Bethany Sisters, Staff and Students accompanied the liturgical celebration. After the recessional hymn, the assembly prayed earnestly in unison for the beatification of the Servant of God and then moved towards the tomb of Mgr Raymond. Rev Fr Cedric Prakash SJ, the great grandnephew of Mgr Raymond led a prayer there and offered the Cause in the hands of Jesus the High Priest. Thereafter the Parish Priest, Superior General, Editorial Board Members of the Compassionate Pastor Bulletin and heads of Associations in the Parish paid their respects to this saintly priest through floral wreathes. With a song on Mgr Raymond, the celebration of the day was concluded.